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Hob Hey Wood Five Year Management Plan

The management plan forms the basis for identifying the key challenges and targets for the next five years. A copy of the plan can be found in the documents section of this website.

Hob Hey Wood volunteers
Dead hedge in Hob Hey wood
Volunteer morning in Hob Hey Wood

Key Objectives


Establish a friends group (i.e. the Hob Hey Wood Friends group) and an associated Facebook page.


Target new members for volunteering, fundraising and involvement plan.


Organise volunteer days to start the basis for woodland path works and essential flood prevention works.


Define the fundraising requirements and set up a fundraising plan.


Define a timeline/rota for essential maintenance activities, tying these into the volunteering data.


Carry out a cyclical non-native tree removal plan.


Carry out a full audit of the wood's trees, fauna, features and external features (boundaries).


Perform regular inspections in conjunction with rECOrd.


Establish a programme for future cyclical planting in the wood.


Progress so far


Much has already been achieved, of course. The friends group and its associated Facebook page and website have been set up. Many volunteer days have been held focusing on path improvements, orchard expansion, and dead hedge building.


Regular visitors will have seen the effect of this. 


The maintenance plan has been created.

Can you help?


A glance at the management plan shows that there is much to do over the coming years and we really need people to help. If you think you can help with the volunteer days, please contact us using the link above. 

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